Saturday, October 31, 2015

Controlling Income Changes by Creating a Primary and Secondary Bill List

Income fluctuations will occur in life for many reasons beyond our control. We can learn to control money when the income is coming in.

But what happens when income changes occur; due to a disability,layoff, or another issue beyond control?

Is bankruptcy the answer? Is accepting a horrible credit report the rest of your life the solution? What is the responsible solution to take when there is no savings nor support from family and friends to assist with income changes?

Importance of Managing Money teaches one of the biggest steps toward leading an independent life is financial independence. This means taking control of your money - both the money that you earn and the money that you spend. You do need to know how to manage the money you have and make it work for you. This website offers additional tips to help improve finances using a steady income. teaches Credit Repair: How to Help Yourself. There are great tips on this website to managing credit repair and legit resources to help a credit report that takes a hit during an income change.

When primary income decreases below a consistent comfort of living; what can a person really do? What help is available?

Most government organizations do have limitations to assist those who suffer income changes. They base income on the prior year of Federal Adjusted Income.For most who work, it is nearly impossible to get government help.

Nonprofit organizations can assist; but be careful, for the assets of vehicles, value of housing, and income proof of decrease may have to be provided before they assist.

So what can a person do if they have no savings, no 401K, no credit or no means to pay bills.

My methods are not conventional. But with money, it's not conventional information that pays the bills. We can't solve a problem with prevention when the problem already exists. It is about being real and using facts of math to control expenses with the income that pays these expenses that get the job done.

Many would disagree with these methods and examples. But do they pay our bills? No. Do they manage our credit reports? No. Do they have an income decrease to deal with? No. Some of the best advice I ever received was unconventional methods. Applying new skills to decrease problems and increase solutions is the only way to live and survive life. Here are some suggestions.

#1 - Create a primary "bill" list.
  • Housing (rent/lease/mortgage) payments
  • Electric
  • Water/Sewage
  • Trash
  • Transportation (payments/insurances) 
Basic bill necessities to survive.

#2 - Create a primary "necessity" list.
Toilet paper
Dish-washing liquid
Washing Powders/Dryer Sheets

Basic necessities to survive.

#3. Create a "secondary/expandable" list.
  • Credit Cards
  • Credit Accounts
  • Satellite/Cable
  • Internet
  • Cell/Landline Phone Plans
  • Recreational - restaurants, clubs, etc.
Items that do not substantiate as survival.

#4 - Create a worst case plan of income loss and methods to get in front of the income change. Contact companies to inquire about budget plans, decreased payment plans, inform of income change, and discuss methods of remedy to restore income. Most companies will work with you favorably, but you must contact them.

Look for "out of the box" ways to decrease electric costs.  Example: Remove extra light bulbs from ceiling fixtures and unplug lamps. (One light bulb in a room is better than living in the dark with no electricity and having 10 light bulbs in a room.)

Look for "out of the box" ways to decrease water usage when paying per gallon. Example: Decrease shower times to 10-15 minutes. (Having a decreased shower time is better than having no water to shower with at all.)

Buy only primary necessities. Be realistic. If you were camping or living in the woods; what would you need to "survive?" This is all a person needs to buy to "survive" through a drastic income change too.

Create a plan to make decreased payment arrangements, to keep, to temporarily suspend or let go of items on the "secondary/expandable" list.

Recreational and entertainment luxuries are the least important items to "retain" when suffering an income loss.

  • Credit can be rebuilt.
  • Credit companies will work with income loss when notified.
  • Learn new "free" hobbies when "surviving" an income loss is more important than keeping things that cannot be afforded.

Many Americans put their financial priorities of wants before needs. Many spend money when income times are good and stable. Very few reach out for help until it is too late when income decreases through sudden changes.

Americans should make a 15 minute commitment daily to learn about how to control money and make wise choices and investments.  Time investment of learning about money and applying new skills to money will increase money.

When income changes occur drastically; Americans should know what to do. How to downsize. How to put income "survival" before "want".

Bankruptcy is the common word and tool used when drastic income changes occur. But how many bankruptcies could be prevented if Americans knew how to manage steady income and how to survive on basic necessities and primary bills?

Our children learn about money from the choices we make and how we live by example. If we don't appreciate our incomes that suddenly change than we won't appreciate incomes that are steady either.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Envy Does Not Produce Money - Envy Decreases Money

What does envy and money have to do with each other?  Why should we consider such a notion when budgeting our finances? What if envy is decreasing our money and depriving us of producing money? What if?

According to the 2014 report issued September 2015 by the US Census; the Income and Poverty in the United States PDF report states median household income to be $53,657 in the Highlights section on page 13.
$53,657 appears to be the median American income which most struggle to budget their homes and families with. Let's take a look at how this breaks down into monthly payments, taxes, and left over monies for necessities, groceries and such.

$53,657 gross annual income would be reduced by 15% for  FICA - Social Security - medical insurance and 401K contributions. (My estimated average of 15% to illustrate these deductions, yours will differ.) 

That's $8048.55 gone. Total take home pay is now reduced to $45608.45. Divide by 12 months for 
$3800.70 as monthly income to live on.

Regular Monthly Bills - (estimate)

  • Housing (mortgage/rent)- $400
  • Water - $70
  • Electric - $200
  • Trash - $20
  • Transportation (payments/lease/public average)- $400
  • Insurance (vehicle/home/renters) - $350
  • Cell/Landline Phone -  $30
  • Cable/Satellite - $50
  • Internet - $30
Total Average - $1550 (estimate only - each varies)
$3800.70 - $1550 = $2250.70 for groceries, clothing, shopping, and other items the home and family will need.

Or view the bigger picture of annual take home pay as:
$18,600 annual primary bills 
$27,008.40 annual expenses for home/family

What are Americans doing with the average $27,008.40 amount left over after their bills are paid?

How much goes toward paying down debt? How much goes to recreational activities that are not tracked as expenses? How much goes to medical deductibles and co-pays? How much is unaccounted for?

In reality, $27,008.40 does not appear to be a large sum of money. But when it's the income a family has to survive, thrive, and live on; it is as important as budgeting a million dollars.

Imagine if we had $27,008.40 cash in hand; would we be spending it differently than we do monthly? Why don't we budget in the bigger picture of this cash, instead of, only viewing the monthly as it goes by?

By looking at the bigger picture of our annual money versus monthly money; we can analyze its full value to make wiser,more responsible choices. This increases our maturity with money, instead of, focusing only on the impulsive whims of monthly spending. Decrease impulsive spending. Increase mature spending.

The average American household carries a debt of $203,163 for financial baggage such as mortgages, credit card balances and student loan debt, according to a NerdWallet analysis in April as reported by

How can we honestly justify spending $27,008.40 to create debt of $203,163? Our American system is the loan sharks and do try hook us as fish. Just because someone invites us to take the hook, does not mean we should; especially, when it is our struggles that have to pay for this.

Top 5 reasons of American Debts by
  1. Student Loan Debt
  2. Credit Card Debt
  3. Envy - Keeping up with others in a lifestyle that we cannot financially afford (clothing, recreational, activities, travel and etc.)
  4. Auto Loan Debt
  5. Neglecting Credit Report

If our homes were regulated as a business operation; we'd be declared bankrupt, dissolved, and most would endure criminal charges, due to the lack of checks and balances of financial management. 

There would be no honesty, integrity nor competency to prove our skills based upon the above information that Americans cannot and will not balance their home budgets as their first priorities. 

You cannot manage a business, manage others; and operate as a professional; without putting this importance into your home portfolio first.  Americans need to learn how to manage home/personal debt, control revenue and expenses, and live within the revenue and budget of income they have. Not the income we envy to believe we possess.

Envy is not a smart emotion. Why? “Envy is ignorance.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Given that emotions have evolved to help us, what could possibly be the purpose of envy? As an emotion that enables survival of the species, envy is related to competition and social comparison between yourself and others that are a part of your self-evaluation.

Envy makes us want what others have. Envy makes us believe we need to be this way or that way to be accepted and liked by others. Envy makes everything "over there" appear so much better and a nicer way to live and be than what what we have in front of us. Envy tells us not to fix things, but replace things that get broken. Envy will impulsively guide us to spend money we do not have to increase our debts that we cannot pay. Envy will make us lose focus of what we need for things we want. Envy will not help us control our money. Envy will create fantasy in our minds that we believe. Envy teaches us to create problems. Envy does not help us solve problems. Envy spends our money. Envy does not increase our money and will not help manage our lives to become stress-free. Envy produces ignorance in our conscience and through our consequences.  

Envy is a sense of falseness. Envy is never reality.
Many are not aware of how money and our emotions do work together. Anger is not a harmful emotion when maturely controlled to create a positive result. Anger can motivate and create positive changes. Many headlines wreak of anger produced by hurt and pain of many criminals who choose to use their anger negatively and to produce horrible consequences.

The hot boil of anger is as a tea pot. If the steam of anger is not released in a healthy, mature, and responsible manner; the top will blow forcing hot steam to burn anyone near it. People are no different in anger than a boiling tea pot. We must learn new skills and healthier coping habits to produce positive results or all we get is the negative results that works for no one.

Envy is as a silent destroyer. Envy will break up marriages, tear families apart, and financially destroy any home that it can. Envy is an emotion. But we are accountable to the actions we allow envy to do to us.

Emotions do require skills to learn how to control them. Just as learning to repair a car or fix a computer requires skill, so does emotional control.  To learn new emotional skills are not a sign of weakness, but strength. To learn and apply new emotional skills improves and increases quality of life.

Social media allows us the opportunity to speak more. But in using social media; how many are saying less and only contributing to the problems of emotional deprivation and emotional immaturity? We may say more; but our quality in what we say is decreasing, depriving, and destructive. Primarily, because envy is allowed to be heard and voiced openly.

Envy should never be an illusion when calculating math or money. Envy has no place in budgeting bills, managing finances, and living within the budget a person has. Sadly, envy is everywhere in American lifestyles. For every second that envy is in control, envy steals a penny that never has a chance to become a dollar.

There are helpful tips to become aware to the dangers of envy and what envy maybe doing to sabotage your money and financial freedom.

Very few people would argue for the positive influence of envy in our lives. In fact, most of us can quickly recognize its harmful effects as posted on

  •  It fosters discontent and distress.
  •  It binds our freedom.
  •  It leads to resentment and bitterness.
  •  It causes us to do things we wouldn’t normally do.
  •  It can spiral into depression.

Becoming a minimalist is not a negative or horrible action to build upon. Why? Because being real in our finances, in our homes, and in our personal lives will create a balance that is not only showcased at work or socially; but creates an honesty displayed in all aspects of our lives.

  • Businesses will teach us the tools we need to perform our jobs. 
  • Education will teach us how to increase and apply our skills. 
  • But no one teaches us how to be aware of our emotions and how to balance our home and professional lives.  
Many learn through trial and error the hard way. Isn't it time Americans quit learning the hard way? Isn't it time Americans invested their resources to grow their homes as they do to succeed in their professional lives?
  1. Money will make us friends. 
  2. Money will make us enemies. 
  3. Envy loves to create chaos with money. 
Life is to short to allow money or envy to control us. Why don't we learn how to control envy and control money instead?  

Every penny is as valuable as a dollar. But if we cannot control, account, and value a penny; than we truly do not appreciate a dollar either.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Healthcare Insurance Training in America

How many Americans require training to understand the Affordable Care Act law? How many already feel frustrated with health insurance before this law became effect? How many are experiencing lower premiums,deductibles,coinsurance, and co-pays? reports $2.7 trillion dollars is spent annually on healthcare. The Population Clock of US states 322,047,886 people are in this country at this second I write this.

That's an estimated $ 8,383.85 that each American  including newborns, would have to pay to balance the cost of healthcare and health insurance in this country. Every citizen must pay $8,383.85 to balance and share healthcare costs.

In a perfect country; perhaps,these calculations would add up and be fair to every one as equal contributors.

Behind the scenes unknown to most Americans, medical offices and emergency rooms are forced into the Affordable Health Care compliance of financial reporting too.

Most Americans understand the importance of filing taxes, paying property taxes and using Department of Motor Vehicles standard forms to submit, comply, and pay due tax processes.

Most Americans who work in the retail, financial and banking industries are aware of fraud prevention and checks and balances of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. This law prevents accounting fraud and provides strict mandates to reform how corporations make financial declarations. This law tries to ensure honesty, integrity, and trust of financial transactions through SOX compliance.

In the medical industry, behind the scenes; financial processes are occurring with Electronic Health Records, bundling of services submitted for payment, ICD-9 being upgraded to ICD-10 and electronic softwares to manage the accuracy, honesty, and financial integrity of healthcare information of patients and payment processing of healthcare services.

The United States Postal Service implemented similar technology of computers, software, and database management to improve financial accounting and to ensure SOX compliance. However, every day the news reports are disturbing of the slow collapse of USPS and disappearing post offices to no longer provide brick and mortar retail services. Is this because of SOX compliance or something financially more disturbing going on in this country to seek a growth that will not happen because of corrupt and faulty calculations?

USPS is now facing competition from UPS to petition the Postal Rate Commission, as reported by the Save the Post Office; to have USPS change its costing methodologies to help UPS become more competitive and decrease the monopoly USPS has long enjoyed for many years.

The $9.4 Billion dollar transaction of Walgreens buying RiteAid as reported by CBS News increases consumer and economical questions about the monopolies in American that control our market. So where will this leave healthcare and what monopoly will exist from big government or huge corporations that affect our healthcare insurance too?

The only remedy, we as Americans; have against big pharmaceuticals,corporation monopoly,insurance uncertainty, and healthcare insurance is to learn for self how to make educated choices and seek out options that will work for our income and our lifestyle.
Do not leave options closed while waiting on a bright chance from another. Chance is what many take when they choose not to have realistic and tangible solutions. Americans are more than profit and loss statistics. It is our duty to remind each other that we are human beings. We are more than statistical information of gain and loss. 

If we do not learn new information to manage our homes; than our health and quality of lives will decrease from the pressures of things we can not change nor control around us. So learn to control what we can.

$ 8,383.85 may not seem like alot of money to many people who comfortably afford "equal" healthcare costs.

While in reality, let's see what costs less than monthly healthcare insurance payments; shall we?
  • Mortgage policy payments
  • Homeowner insurance payments
  • Vehicles lease or own payments
  • Childcare and daycare services
  • Vehicle insurance policies
  • College payments on student loans
America does have a healthcare cost problem. What monthly bill do you pay more than $698.65 for? This is what healthcare "equality" will cost monthly per person.

The estimated annual healthcare cost per person is $8383.85. The US population and healthcare total costs represents the truth of the math that does not calculate fairly. These figures do not console families, elderly, disabled and working class Americans. Consider:
  • Family of five to pay: $3493.25 monthly & $41,919 annually for each member to have health insurance.
  • Social security monthly income @: $1800 month to pay $698.65 for health coverage.
  • SSI recipients monthly income @: $600 to pay $698.65 a monthly for health insurance. How does this even work?
Who considers these calculations when doing business? Who considers the customers and family consumers in this country when making laws?

If the economical math can not calculate equality, than it will never equal integrity of honesty either. We the people, have a duty to learn to control our financial situations. We can increase our knowledge, skills, and abilities to help our families.

For every option or choice that is possible; the Internet provides us the tools we need to create positive alternative solutions. We have to use personal diligence and willfulness to seek the creditable information we need to thrive and survive.

This unstable financial evolution of our country is not going to change. We have to be the financially, responsible citizens who must change. Why can't we use research, education, and making healthier choices work for our individual lives too?

Anyone can choose drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, prostitution, sex, stealing,or other unhealthy and criminal activities to escape reality and to never solve a problem. But this short-term gratification of impulsive living never benefits no one. Not our government. Not our country. Not our people. Not our healthcare costs.

We will never fulfill the desire within to feel accomplished, complete, and balanced when we become the source of our individual problems too. 

It is our duty to be the best balanced American we can learn to be and achieve.

To function responsibly in our jobs and retaining priority to use our most powerful skills in our homes, family, and personal lives; is what the American dream is all about. But only each, can make this happen.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Control Personal Finance for Professional Gain

What does controlling personal finances have to do with professional gains?
Credit scores reflect a skillful ability to manage money. These scores also reflect a negative inability to control and manage personal finances too.  Before grumbling at the topic; imagine the possibilities to decrease personal financial problems and increase professional gains.

Positive thinking is the mature,rational and logical way to view and understand credit scores. To emotionally dislike credit scores enables impulsive spending habits and irresponsible, immature financial consequences that will be reflected in credit scores. Stop doing this. How we feel about our money can deprive us of our abilities to control personal finance and will reduce professional gain.

Let's look at facts and possible solutions.

Credit reports can demonstrate personal ability to effectively communicate to resolve problems. Through effective communication to resolve problems that affect credit scores, a person will be able to decrease debt errors and increase credit scores favorably. How many employers require effective communicators of problem solving and an ability to prove favorable results of conflicts?

Credit scores are the only primary indicator in our lives that we have to detail the financial management skills we possess. Why fight the system immaturely? Why not learn how to use the system to positively benefit us instead?

Employers can use credit scores to select candidates for a job based on their personal financial performances versus the detailed resume work experiences. Employers can use credit scores to determine which employees are suitable for promotions and which are not by their credit score.

Can you imagine our credit scores being the only qualification and determination factor for promotions or getting hired? This financial analysis of our personal life is a truthful indicator of our professional lives and capabilities too.

Employers should use credit scores to evaluate the facts and potential of employees. This is wise financial business sense. In business, we know it's not suppose to be personal; but it should be. Creating a healthy work and home life balance is not something most Americans can do and our credit scores represent this.

Credit scores reflect personal honesty and integrity of mature and immature lifestyles. These scores are important indicators about our economy too.

Could credit scores help decrease company liabilities of high risk employees who make poor personal financial decisions? As an employer, wouldn't you want to use facts to evaluate current employees or new hires for their knowledge, skills and abilities?

Let's look at numerical facts. According to by Al Krulik, Debt Specialist; Americans are 11.4 Trillion Dollars in debt. We are the consumers and employees who choose to be in debt.

Estimation of the Population Clock of total Americans is 322,042,020 people. This number changes every second for births and deaths. In the second of writing this fact - this equates to $34,157.03 of debt for each person!

This means newborns entering American life are already experiencing a negative financial impact of: $34,157.03 worth of debt. With the increasing cost of healthcare - how true these math facts are.

Yes, we can blame governmental politics for their inabilities to manage our taxpaying contributions, but are we any better at managing our personal finances? 

Will our credit score reflect favorably? Or are we just a high risk liability waiting to happen? Bottom line - Do we responsibly control our money?

Our ability to control and manage personal finance will reflect our financial abilities of the job performance we will do. Our personal choices do become a negative or positive consequence to our national economy and in our professional gains.

By the statistics of, most Americans have a credit score of 680 out of 900 possible. 

Americans are not high achievers as individual financial experts based on average credit scores.  Even if, job experiences and title roles detail a different picture; the bigger picture displays the financial truth.

Most Americans are financially performing at 80% efficiency in their personal financial matters. But yet, we wonder why businesses are suffering profit loss and many employees suffer from financial stresses in their personal lives.

How many financial crimes could be prevented personally and professionally with financial education and responsible money skill building? What if our efforts of time were spent in learning how to control and produce favorable financial results,instead of, doing nothing at all? What could our positive possibilities be?

Responsible management of accounts payable and receivable begins at home; before they can become effective on the job. If you cannot nor will not pay and manage your bills at home. How can an employer trust you to do it for them?

Ledgers of revenues, expenses and petty cash control must begin in the home; before it will be effectively managed and responsibly controlled at work. If you cannot nor will not manage your cash, expenses and revenue at home; than how can you handle others at work?

Companies wonder where their financial failures are at? Employees wonder where their financial failures are at? The answers are in our credit reports that tell others who each of us are as individuals on-the-clock and off-the-clock.

The internet has many creditable free Financial Literacy courses to take online. Whatever debt and financial struggles you maybe having; you can change the outcome by learning new skills to decrease your problems and increase positive results.

No one knows the financial budget your home has to survive on. No one can control your personal financial situation better than you. Get qualified to excel at your personal finances first before seeking to control financial operations in your professional life.

These websites offer education to learn and improve money skills. Make the time investment in free learning to control your money and let your testimony of professional abilities reflect honestly in your credit score.

  • Financial Literacy course by teaches  practical and beneficial advice in this course to help control personal finance and home budgets. A diploma can be printed upon completion for this course to use for professional skills accreditation.
  • teaches skills to manage credit card debt  and to use credit wisely to improve credit scores.
Practical tips I learned through experience to immediately improve credit scores.

  1. Review monthly credit account statements. Look specifically at interest charges. Increase monthly payment by paying regular payment and the total interest fee charged, if possible. Example: Regular minimum payment is: $25.00. Interest charged for this month is: $11.00.  Increase payment to: $36.00. This little bit of extra will decrease principal balance owed and cover interest fees. This reflects to the credit reporting agencies you are ahead of the debt - not behind it. This will increase credit scores.
  2. Consider paying additional monthly payments on credit accounts. Example: Pay online the regular $20.00 minimal monthly payment. Then proceed to mail in a separate check with letter marked for "Principle Only" Payment. This will decrease the balance of the account quicker and decrease interest charges. This improves credit scores.
  3. Keep credit accounts below the 30% limit. $200 worth of credit is not really $200 that should be spent. This is how credit traps happen to people and poor credit scores occur. Example: If a credit account has a $500 limit, this equates to never spending more than $150 to retain a good credit rating. Staying below the 30% limit will prove responsible and mature financial management skills on a credit report. Scores will go up quickly by staying below the 30% margin of credit limit and paying to decrease any balance owed that goes over the 30% limit. Example: Account has a credit balance due of: $654 on a $900 credit limit. This scores bad each month the balance is over $270. By making a one-time payment of:$384 the account balance will go under the 30% and immediately be reported to 100% good credit limit standing and increase the D score to an A score giving immediate favorable credit score results.
  4. Analyze credit report. Particularly look for companies you pay monthly and for credit accounts that report to the credit bureau. If credit accounts or companies are not reporting to the credit bureau than they can not hurt your credit nor can they help build your credit either. Example: (only as an example and not as a fact) - AT&T reports monthly on a credit report for cell phone services. Verizon does not. AT&T reports monthly about on time payments, duration of account and information about credit worthiness. Verizon does not do this. Cancel Verizon services and choose AT&T because AT&T will benefit your credit score, Verizon will not.
  5. Pay bills on time before the due date. Manage your credit accounts responsibly. Reconcile your credit accounts as you would your checking accounts.
  6. Consider cash expenses to help build credit.Monthly cash expenses for gas, groceries, and household necessities can be used to create revolving credit expenses and increase credit scores. Example: Gas/transportation costs in a monthly budget of  $200 would be paid for in cash. Instead,consider opening a credit card specifically for gas/ transportation allowance only. If the credit card limit would be $400 - 30% of this $400 spending limit will only be $120 monthly to maturely spend and help improve credit score. Of the $200 cash budget for gas/transportation - put $120 gas/transportation expenses on the card and pay off the balance each month in the grace period so no interest will occur. The $200 gas/transportation budget would now be split for $80 cash purchase and $120 to build credit and pay the account off monthly. Most companies do allow 25-30 days to pay off the complete balance with no extra fees or interest charged. By using an existing regular monthly expense on a designated card - it will keep new information reported to the credit bureaus and will help decrease any negative reports that cannot be resolved. If you must spend cash or credit to survive in regular monthly expenses; why not learn how to use the system to benefit your life and increase your credit score?
  7. Credit scores reflect the ability to manage and balance personal life to give truth of our professional skills. If our professional evaluations do not sync with our credit scores; than it is our duty as responsible and mature Americans to financially resolve these problems and learn skills necessary to balance our home life and our work life - not our employers.

A Personal and Professional Introduction

Thank you for reading this introduction. I hope you find information to assist and improve your life with this blog.

I will begin by introducing who I am. I use words to promote humanitarian causes. I am a published writer, author, and poet.

I once used these skills as a healthy coping outlet during difficulties of my life as a teenager.I now use these abilities to contribute to the quality of life for others.

I hope to increase public awareness and improve quality of life through sharing creditable sources I have researched that will help solve problems for others.

This blog will increase quality of life through education to improve a healthier balance of work,home,and school struggles.

This blog will give professional information and personal experiences of how to overcome anything in life to create a healthier balance.

Problems seem to exist as a higher rate than the solution can be found.

This blog will address some of these problems with solutions to decrease the problems and increase solutions.

Just as our verbal conversations will switch from one topic to the next topic in a blink of an eye or skip from emotion to emotion - this blog will offer the same.

Please have no expectations nor make bias assumptions. As one topic maybe beneficial to your life and the next maybe completely irrelevant, the information is pertinent to others different than you. We are many individuals with different nature, nurture, economical and educational levels.

However, at the end of each breath the lungs exhale; each are a human being and deserve to be treated and helped as such.

This blog allows me to help others through the diversities of experiences of my life. Please do the same.

Below are the books I have self-published with professional reference to the work I do in administrative and office settings.

You may browse the links further to examine or purchase as you choose.

This blog is not to advertise myself nor my professional work. If you have any additional questions, I do welcome email and comments. Thank you.

Let the learning a new healthier and happier way to live life begin.

The I in Me: "a young girl's escape to living"-
WVVA News Report of Investigating Child Abuse

Common Sense of Me -
Book Video Preview

Silent Distant Thoughts
Book Video Preview

A Place to Be
Book Video Preview  

Professional Reference of my Knowledge, Skills and Abilities