Thank you for reading this introduction. I hope you find information to assist and improve your life with this blog.
I will begin by introducing who I am. I use words to promote humanitarian causes. I am a published writer, author, and poet.
I once used these skills as a healthy coping outlet during difficulties of my life as a teenager.I now use these abilities to contribute to the quality of life for others.
I hope to increase public awareness and improve quality of life through sharing creditable sources I have researched that will help solve problems for others.
This blog will increase quality of life through education to improve a healthier balance of work,home,and school struggles.
This blog will give professional information and personal experiences of how to overcome anything in life to create a healthier balance.
Problems seem to exist as a higher rate than the solution can be found.
This blog will address some of these problems with solutions to decrease the problems and increase solutions.
Just as our verbal conversations will switch from one topic to the next topic in a blink of an eye or skip from emotion to emotion - this blog will offer the same.
Please have no expectations nor make bias assumptions. As one topic maybe beneficial to your life and the next maybe completely irrelevant, the information is pertinent to others different than you. We are many individuals with different nature, nurture, economical and educational levels.
However, at the end of each breath the lungs exhale; each are a human being and deserve to be treated and helped as such.
This blog allows me to help others through the diversities of experiences of my life. Please do the same.
Below are the books I have self-published with professional reference to the work I do in administrative and office settings.
You may browse the links further to examine or purchase as you choose.
This blog is not to advertise myself nor my professional work. If you have any additional questions, I do welcome email and comments. Thank you.
Let the learning a new healthier and happier way to live life begin.
The I in Me: "a young girl's escape to living"-
WVVA News Report of Investigating Child Abuse
Common Sense of Me -
Book Video Preview
Silent Distant Thoughts
Book Video Preview
A Place to Be
Book Video Preview
Professional Reference of my Knowledge, Skills and Abilities